50 Small Paths To Happiness.


1 | Do something every day to be a light in the lives of those around you. Smile, say hello, ask how someone is doing, bring the overworked cleaning lady a coffee.

2 | Bring shade and comfort when you meet the heated and weary. When someone is having a tough time, don’t chime in with your own sob stories or tales of misery. Instead, open your ears and your arms and ask them what you can do to help them. 

3 | Free yourself from the pain of the past and let them live with what they have done to you. It’s not your job to sit and stew on their fate and you don’t need to sit and re-victimize yourself every day. You deserve to heal and move on.

4 | Get some sleep. Like in bed, phone off, no-snooze-button-needed sleep.

5 | Use love as a shield against venom and hate. If someone is a jerk to you, you don’t need to follow the eye-for-an-eye law. Just disengage. Love yourself and protect the life you love by moving away from them.

6 | Only do things when motivated by joy, love, respect, curiosity and passion. When we follow this, we stop trying to control others, manipulate situations or push ourselves to be someone we are not.

7 | Have faith in your journey. Know that you are on the right path and have made choices that have brought you to the lessons you needed and the successes you have experienced.

8 | Refuse to engage gossip. You’ll never say something you regret if you say nothing at all.

9 | Call and see your friends more.

10 | Elevate your conversations. 

11 | Respect everything in your life: people, places, things, yourself.

12 | Allow yourself to be mesmerized by things others find mundane. Be delighted by the sun peeking out of the clouds, get excited the moment your favorite song comes onto the radio, believe in love on your 500th first date.

13 | Show love to your life, even when it’s not going to plan.

14 | Travel (to new places) often and eat like the locals while there.

15 | Forgive yourself for what you did when you did not know better. Do the same for others.

16 | Learn how to behave in social settings. Have good table manners. Know how to have polite conversation.

17 | Sit down and really think about the life you want to live and become the kind of person who lives that kind of life.

18 | Do your best every single day. Double check things, check yourself when you overreact, check others when they cross a line and check in with yourself and your loved ones often.

19 | Don’t fake it until you make it. Be you and make it happen.

20 | Meet a loud ego with a quiet pride.

21 | Make it your mission to inspire by example.

22 | Understand that 90% of the time, fear is just a misunderstanding.

23 | Do what you need to do in order to your finances, thoughts, home, body and spirit in order.

24 | Say “please” and “thank you” every single time.

25 | Check it out and see if it’s a fit before you say yes or no.

26 | Make decisions you believe in and are willing to stand by.

27 | Don’t mistake gratitude for complacency.

28 | Seek to understand more than to simply have an opinion on a topic.

29 | Let go of what does not want to be held onto.

30 | Allow other people to be who they are without pushing them to be more like you.

31 | Give a decent handshake.

32 | Stand out for reasons you can be proud of instead of simply courting attention.

33 | See people for what they are: flawed and scared human beings.

34 | Accept what is happening in your life. Don’t fight it. Fight through it.

35 | Don’t accept every invitation someone makes to get involved into something.

36 | Don’t just say grace, show it.

37 | Stop deflecting compliments and see them as the gifts and truths they are.

38 | Don’t hang around with fools and don’t be one.

39 | Push yourself to learn something new every single day.

40 | Speak clearly, properly and with great integrity.

41 | Refuse to be distracted from the creation of your destiny.

42 | Stop talking yourself out of the daily actions that will help you top meet your long-term goals.

43 | Give others the benefit of the doubt before you freak out.

44 | Let go of toxic people without a second thought.

45 | Refuse to accept a life of misery, stress and anxiety. Commit to doing whatever it takes to release and embrace joy, balance and peace.

46 | Be willing to pause and reset without mistaking it as failure.

47 | Own your choices and your life. Hold yourself accountable for every single decision you make.

48 | Wait. Ponder both sides and three possible outcomes.Then react.

49 | Avoid reliving painful situations in memory. Call yourself out and snap out of it.

50 | No “maybes.” Commit to whatever it is you are going to do.

Categories: Happiness


Brenda Della Casa
Brenda Della Casa is the owner of BDC Digital Media and the Founder of Badass Living. She is also the Author of Cinderella Was a Liar, The Editor-in-chief and the former Digital Content Strategist at Preston Bailey Designs. Additionally, she is a blogger for The Huffington Post Blogger and YourTango . When not working, she is obsessing over Enrique Iglesias and discovering London, her new home. She created Badass + Living for other women who believe in collaboration over competition.  Her ambition, determination and dedication to helping others is what makes her badass.  Facebook: BrendaDellaCasa, Twitter: @BrendaDellaCasa, Instagram: @BrendaDellaCasa.

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